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Léane’s Avatar


Orny, Vaud, Switzerland
4 Questions
96 Karma

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Léane Apr 10, 2018 799 views

Humanities part time job

Starting September, I'm going to be an #international student in the US, so I'm gonna be studying with a F1 visa and this visa only allows me to work outside of campus in my study field, I'm probably going to major in #humanities (my preferred subjects are #linguistics and #film), what part...

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Léane Apr 03, 2018 963 views

Study linguistics, then what?

I'm really interested in #linguistics, mostly the history of speech and languages, how words became to mean certain things etc. What career options will I have after I graduate in this field? Research? #career

Léane’s Avatar
Léane Mar 19, 2018 1070 views

What field to study to make movies?

I'd like to write and direct #movies but I don't think I'm going to go to film school, I think I can study it online and by books, but I do wanna study in college because I am interested in human psychology and culture, so I was wondering what major is best to get to know humans and how they...

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Léane Mar 19, 2018 1012 views

Jobs with a humanities degree

I'm considering majoring in #Humanities, but I don't think I'd be a good human resources, I'm not really sure what I'd like to do, but I'm interested in #linguistics, and maybe #anthropology , are these part of humanity? What courses are part of Humanities ?