Career questions tagged screenwriting

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Juliana1166 views

What is the best networking for potential actors and writers that is better than LinkedIn?

I’m currently creating a list of schools to apply to. What are the best networking apps for potential actors and writers to beyond that’s not LinkedIn?

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Gavin1795 views

What can I Do to Break into the TV Writing Industry?

What can I do as an aspiring screenwriter to get my stories out there. I write all kinds of different things with relatable characters that touches on REAL topics of today. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!🎬

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Leane1189 views

How do you choose which path to take after finishing your B.A.?

I'm currently in my senior year of a Bachelor's degree in Performing Arts (creative writing minor). I've always wanted to do lots of different jobs and I'm still not sure about what I want to do after graduating! I'm thinking of becoming a writer (screenwriter, poet, songwriter). Maybe I should pursue my studies with a Master's degree but to be honest, I'm getting bored of theoretical courses. I'm still young for my grade (19) and I find it stressful to make decisions that will affect my future. I'm afraid I'll regret them later.

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Ava1036 views

How do I become a screenwriter?

I am a junior in High school and trying to seriously narrow down possible career paths. I am planning on graduating with an AA degree and have multiple extra-circulars and leadership positions. Is a career in film a sustainable option? I love movies, and writing and want to find a creative job in the future. At the same time I want a job that I know can support me. I am willing to work long hours and I won't give up easily, but if the effort isn't worth the results then maybe I should look at other fields. What other jobs would allow me to be a creative writer without having to write full novels or news articles? I've looked online but with all the paths for writers it can be a little overwhelming.

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JuanDaniel708 views

What is one of your favorite things to do as a editor?

Hello, I am a middle school student and I am curious about being an editor. Editors seem like a fun career to me and I would love to edit things. I would like to know about the activities of being an editor and if it is a fun and entertaining career to do, or if it’s not? If any retired or working editor could answer my question, could you please provide me answers to my questions?

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Cody586 views

What are some ways to be more fluid with writing and handling more complicated projects?

Beginner writer trying to be a future WGA member. Have some trouble with multiple moving parts during the creative process.

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Sabina1293 views

Why did you choose to have a career in filmmaking/acting/screenwriting ?

How do you keep confident in your art and your work when you don’t feel original?

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Terrell677 views

How do you become a successful screenwriter and how to make any person fall in love with your work?

My name is Terrell and I’m a sophomore in high school my goal is to get in to a college with a great screen writing program so I can be somebody when I grow up.

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CareerVillage Office Hours1701 views

How to get work in Hollywood as a filmmaker and screenwriter ?

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

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Cece852 views

How can I become a more skilled script-writer and interior designer?

I am a freshman in college, currently majoring in English. I love to write, especially fictional stories. I also love interior design and would like to learn how to get my foot in the door with both of these careers.

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De'Aja833 views


Best Colleges for screenwriting/screenwriters?

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Jordan-Paige1037 views

My current plan is to go to a one year film college to get a certificate in screenwriting. Many people have mentioned that you really don't need a film degree to get into film, so a certificate is fine. Is this true?

#film #film-production #director #screenwriting

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Léane1041 views

What field to study to make movies?

I'd like to write and direct #movies but I don't think I'm going to go to film school, I think I can study it online and by books, but I do wanna study in college because I am interested in human psychology and culture, so I was wondering what major is best to get to know humans and how they behave and how their characters develop and evolve, because this is very important for #screenwriting . What is the best major for this?

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Kelsey965 views

How can you make a living off of being a writer? How do you become an established writer?

I've loved writing since the second grade and it has always been my dream goal to be a writer. However, since I know writing is not an easy career path to go down, I tend to lose inspiration for writing. I have other options in my mind, but if I want to stick with writing, I feel I need to know how I can make a living off of it. What have other writers done to get to the point where they can live off writing? What can I do? I've been writing on Wattpad for years, and I've won a local poetry contest before. I've also written a full-length high school play (90 minutes), and taken creative writing lessons. I'm not sure what else to do. #writing #author #write #screenwriting

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Jada1277 views

Is there a profession out there that's an equal balance between creative writing/publishing and biomedical science?

I am torn between majoring in English and Biomedical Science/Engineering. I love to write stories and strive to become an editor for a publishing company/fiction author or screenwriter, but I also love genetics and would love to be a genetic engineer and researcher (see the details from my previous question.) My parents don't want me to pursue an English degree because the profession "isn't that lucrative" and I'd spend a long time working my way to steady earnings, but they also want me to find a job doing what I love. They've suggested technical writing, but I fear that technical writing could also mean less creativity when writing instruction manuals or scientific journal articles. Any suggestions or advice from real-world experiences? #creative-writing #technical-writing #writing #news-writing #editor #writing-and-editing #fiction-writing #science-fiction #creative-non-fiction #fiction #copy-editing #publishing #genetics #biomedical-engineering #biomedical-science #career-path #screenwriting #author #creative-writing #double-major #dual-career #multiple-interests #english #communications #grant-writing #proposal-writing #career-path #career-choice #career-decisions

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