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Boston, Massachusetts
2 Questions
151 Karma

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Khaleef’s Avatar
Khaleef Dec 01, 2014 1676 views

What is necessary to succeed as an automotive engineer?

I am a junior at Boston Collegiate, and I want to start developing skills to become a automotive engineer now. I am curious to what an engineer, specifically automotive, needs under his belt to succeed (this includes majors, skills and habits). What makes an engineer a "good" engineer?...

Khaleef’s Avatar
Khaleef Nov 24, 2014 1381 views

What majors are necessary to pursue a career in automotive engineering?

I'm a junior and I want to look into designing engines and transmissions of a vehicle to make them more efficient. I'm not sure if mechanical, electrical or technical engineering are any more important than an another, or if there is something else I should look into. #engineer #automotive...