Career questions tagged mechanics

Mechanics need to be good a math ?
I understand people in the automotive and heavy equipment mechanic trade need to be proficient in math can you tell me more about how it's used

how difficult is it do get the certifications to be a professional automotive mechanic?
12th grade gearhead.

what job do you think I could do when I grow up?
6 grader , good video-games player, ski starter and mechanics pro

What path should I take after high school if I want to become an A&P tech.?
Schools or entry level workplace recommendations would be great, As well as further certs I could take after getting a&p certified. I live in the West Virginia area.

How would being an Aerospace engineer help me in life
where would be the best place to go to be one, and is it worth it being one.

what do you do as an auto mechanic besides just replacing parts off cars?
I'm a junior in highschool, and I'm very fascinated by cars and mechanics. I have a few favorite car brands such as, Honda, Koenigsegg, Porsche, Toyota, and Mazda.

whats the best way to become a boss in a shop?
I'm a student at Job Corps and I'm here for paint and body repair.

How much will I be getting paid long-term as a diesel mechanic ?
Money is very important as a adult

how do I get in the automotive tech/mech with no level of experience, but open to grow and gain knowledge as I work?
I been looking for jobs already in the field it seems that no company want people with no experience but I'm willing to work as well to gain understand for my future job once I graduate as a mechanical engineer of if so if their any other jobs what would help me gain experience to help me gain knowledge for mechanical engineer.

How Best to understand Major Assemblies?
When it comes to entering into the Automechanic Field, what is the most streamlined way to learn and familiarize oneself with the multiple major assemblies that make up a vehicle? What do they comprise and what do they do? It can be difficult to tackle something like a transmission assembly as an apprentice primarily because of all the moving parts associated with it, some parts of which go seemingly nameless. I wonder if there is a better way to understand these components.

I'm going into Job Corps to pursue a trade in Heavy Equipment Mechanics but I'm not sure entirely sure what to expect on how to transition to working on cars.
I'm wanting to learn how to work with Gas/Diesel and Electric (since that's the future). What Steps should I take or classes I should take to learn all this and what does that all look like?

What school subjects, if any, do you use for your career as an automobile mechanic?
I'm in 10th grade and I want to get a career where I can work on cars

How much time studying can I expect while pursuing my education for my career as an automobile mechanic?
I'm in 10th grade and I want to get a career where I can work on cars

How often do you get raises/bonuses as an automobile mechanic?
I'm in 10th grade and I want to get a career where I can work on cars

How do I become a auto mechanic?
How much do I need to work to get to become auto mechanic.

I am in 8th Grade at a private school in MA
I am in 8th Grade at a private school in MA I would like to know, how is the best way to get into aviation or mechanical (or automotive) engineering? It has been a passion very anything with an engine since I was very young and I always loved hearing and watching these vehicles on the ground or in the air.

What are the working conditions like, as an automotive mechanic?
I want to become an automotive mechanic and want to know if the working conditions are good.

What are some things that you do as an automotive mechanic?
I want to learn some things you do to see if I am interested in becoming an automotive mechanic.