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Charlevoix, Michigan
2 Questions
271 Karma

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Julia Mar 25, 2018 1952 views

What is the highest title in the Accounting field?

I am undecided in my major, but I am strongly considering Accounting and becoming a CPA. I want to know if that position would be the highest position I could acquire. #job-promotion #job-rankings #accounting #cpa #accountant #undecided #need-this-scholarship #broke...

Julia’s Avatar
Julia Mar 25, 2018 8636 views

Are there jobs in the Hospitality Management field that don't require working weekends?

I have worked in the Hospitality field for many years. However, the majority of my time worked has taken place on the weekends. I know that I want to have a family, and I don't want to be working on weekends. #family #hospitality #hospitality-management #undecided #need-this-scholarship #broke...