Career questions tagged broke

How do I make money while in middle school with limited resources and strict parents?
I am 13, have no debit or credit card and want to retire my parents early. I live in a senior homes place with my parents and grandparents. Does anyone have any tips on how to make a lot of money easily?

How can a poor family possibly afford collage
I'm a 17 year old poor Caucasian male who comes from a poor family. I'm trying to go to college but I didn't start think about it till this summer and don't really have the money for it. #College #broke #poor #help #Computerscience

What is the highest title in the Accounting field?
I am undecided in my major, but I am strongly considering Accounting and becoming a CPA. I want to know if that position would be the highest position I could acquire. #job-promotion #job-rankings #accounting #cpa #accountant #undecided #need-this-scholarship #broke #independently-funding-my-education #help

Are there jobs in the Hospitality Management field that don't require working weekends?
I have worked in the Hospitality field for many years. However, the majority of my time worked has taken place on the weekends. I know that I want to have a family, and I don't want to be working on weekends. #family #hospitality #hospitality-management #undecided #need-this-scholarship #broke #independently-funding-my-education #help

What's the best way to pay for college?
College is unnecessarily expensive. All students are encouraged to go, but are never advised on how to pay for college. What is the best way people have found to be able to afford college and pay off student loans? #broke #collegefunds