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Ethan’s Avatar


Rome, New York
12 Questions
641 Karma

Ethan’s Career Goals

I want to be a Heavy Equipment Operator.

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Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Apr 16, 2018 587 views

do you need to have a lot of work experience to get a gob more easily?

I've only had a few jobs and i'm just curious.#expiriance

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Ethan Apr 16, 2018 1393 views

what keeps you employed ?

Can my characteristics, appearance, and good work improve my chances in keeping a gob? #work #employment #job #job-applications #advancement #career-advising #human-resources

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Ethan Apr 04, 2018 759 views

What are some possible reasons for someone to get their pay docked in the heavy equipment operators field?

I would like to know some reasons so I don't end up doing them. #career #construction #engineering

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Ethan Apr 03, 2018 1080 views

What is an employer looking for in a new employee?

I want to know what employers are looking for so i have everything prepared for when I go for an interview. (esp. in the Heavy Equipment Operators field) #career #construction #engineering

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Ethan Apr 03, 2018 1104 views

How long does it normally take at a job to climb the ladder and get promoted if your work improves everyday?

I'd like to know because I would like to be able to get promotions to show that I am good at my job and potentially make more money. #career #career-development

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Apr 03, 2018 961 views

What skills do you need to have to operate a forklift?

I've seen many businesses that use forklifts, and I was wondering what skills are needed to operate one. #career #construction

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Apr 03, 2018 753 views

Could you be fired for lack of PPE?

Just in case I forget anything at home, I'd like to know if any businesses have ever fired someone for lack of personal protective equipment. #career #construction #engineering

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Ethan Mar 29, 2018 1491 views

what skills are needed to operate at most workplaces?

I need to know what the typical skills are so I can acquire them before I apply for jobs. #career #jobs #life-skills #soft-skills

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Ethan Mar 29, 2018 1455 views

If my attendance an performance is great over time could i be subject for a raise?

I want to know if most jobs give raises. #career #career-development

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Ethan Mar 29, 2018 3418 views

How many hours do heavy equipment operators typically work each week?

I would like to know so I can figure out how much pay I would get on average every week. need to pay bills! #construction #engineering #career

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Ethan Mar 29, 2018 825 views

How many jobs are located in Rome, NY that need heavy equipment operators?

I want to find a job that is local. Heavy equipment #construction #career #newyork

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Ethan Mar 29, 2018 610 views

What is the entry level pay for heavy equipment operators?

I don't want to be in debt with student loans so I want to find a good paying job without having to go to college. #career #college #construction