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Boston, Massachusetts
3 Questions
171 Karma

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Madisyn’s Avatar
Madisyn Dec 08, 2014 1384 views

What's the best piece of advice for someone who is stuck between career paths?

I am a junior at Boston Collegiate, and soon enough I will be attending college. I am curious and eager to learn more about science, especially with chemistry or environmental science, but I am also passionate about writing. I’m stuck at a fork in the road – which passion do I pursue? Of...

Madisyn’s Avatar
Madisyn Dec 08, 2014 1822 views

What does it take to make writing into a career?

I am a junior at Boston Collegiate and a part of me has always known I have to be a writer as I get older. I feel like I have a story to tell and without saying it, I will fail myself and everyone. I want to reach people’s hearts using my writing, like so many authors have done for me. Do I...

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Madisyn Dec 08, 2014 1679 views

How can my passion for science play out in a career?

I am a junior at Boston Collegiate and I am extremely curious about the field of science, especially when it bubbles down to the bonds and atoms. Knowing how things in the world work, down to the finest detail, has always made me interested in the field of science, specifically with...