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Delfi Almonte’s Avatar

Delfi Almonte

Manager - HR SSC - Third Party Labor at PwC
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Tampa, Florida
3 Answers
2733 Reads
16 Karma

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Savannah’s Avatar
Savannah Aug 22, 2018 995 views

What is the greatest job in HR Management?

I am hoping to get a BS in HR Management and am really interested in what that job does. I know the basics but what is something that I can really look forward to? #human-resources

Tatjana’s Avatar
Tatjana May 12, 2018 816 views

How do you start paying for college?

I'm about to start college in the fall, and I'm applying for scholarships and saving up from working part-time. I understand how to earn money from college, I just don't know how payment works. Will I have to pay for classes before school starts, will it all hit me after I receive my degree?...

Ingrid’s Avatar
Ingrid May 25, 2016 1052 views

What courses do I require to take for dentistry?

I am asking this question because I am interested in that major. #dentistry #dentist #dental