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New York, New York
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AaliyahW_af13’s Avatar
AaliyahW_af13 Mar 27, 2013 1740 views

fear of crowds when acting

As an actor how do you get over your fear of being in front of large crowds? #acting

Shatasia’s Avatar
Shatasia Oct 08, 2012 1985 views

What helped lead you on the path to photography?

I love taking pictures. I would love to make it my career. I want to know what made you decide you wanted to be a photographer. #photography

Shatasia’s Avatar
Shatasia Oct 13, 2012 2618 views

Is most of your day spent working when being a detective?

I want to know how much of my day will be used due to this since thats what i want to be. #detective

Shatasia’s Avatar
Shatasia Oct 08, 2012 2745 views

Do you ever feel like it gets gross when being a nurse?

I dont like germs but, nurses interest me. I want to know if you ignore the germs when being a nurse. Please help! #nurse

Aisha’s Avatar
Aisha Oct 04, 2012 2372 views

Is it challenging to switch careers after working as a lawyer ?

Im a sophomore in high school. #lawyer

CarmelaCodman1’s Avatar
CarmelaCodman1 Sep 07, 2012 51366 views

What classes can you take in college to be a fashion designer? What is the right path to take to be a successful fashion designer?

Hi, my name is Carmela, I'm a sophomore in high school. I'm interested in fashion; I wanted to know what the classes are like in college for fashion designing and what is the right path to be a successful fashion designer. PLEASE HELP.

DejaCodman2’s Avatar
DejaCodman2 Sep 09, 2012 7409 views

How hard is cosmetology school?

I am a sophomore looking to explore careers.

CristalCodman1’s Avatar
CristalCodman1 Sep 07, 2012 1761 views

What courses will I be doing to become a veterinarian?

I want to know what type of courses I will be taking so I can have a heads up in what to do and learn before i start my career. #veterinarian #classes #schools

Aaliya’s Avatar
Aaliya Sep 07, 2012 2129 views

How many years does it take to be a radiologist?

I think that x rays are cool #healthcare #education

Marla’s Avatar
Marla Sep 25, 2012 1962 views

how exiting is it to be an obstetrician?

i'm 15 and i'm interested in being an obstetrician but i would like to know what it's like first before i can decide. #career-paths

Aaliya’s Avatar
Aaliya Sep 07, 2012 1871 views

What does a Cardiac doctor do on a day to day basis?

I worked at MGH during the summer and was in and out of this depatment and was just wondering what they did exactly #healthcare

DejaCodman2’s Avatar
DejaCodman2 Sep 09, 2012 5411 views

what are some of the ups and downs of being a Neonatal Nurse?

I am a sophomore who is interested in learning about all the different jobs in the medical field. Is being a Neonatal Nurse fun or difficult? What is a typical day like? How many years of schooling is needed? #medicine #nurse #healthcare #babies

DejaCodman2’s Avatar
DejaCodman2 Sep 09, 2012 5664 views

Is being a level 3 Neonatal Nurse emotionally draining?

I am a sophomore thinking about becoming a Neonatal Nurse rather than an OBGYN. I think working with sick babies would be really sad for me, but it is something I would love to do. Is it still a job that I should pursue? #medicine #nurse #healthcare #neonatal #emotional

DejaCodman2’s Avatar
DejaCodman2 Sep 09, 2012 3302 views

what does it take to be an anesthesiologist?

I am a sophomore who is interested in learning more about anesthesiologist. What steps do they have to take in order to become a anesthesiologist? Is it fun or hard? #doctor #healthcare #experience #anesthesiologist

DejaCodman2’s Avatar
DejaCodman2 Sep 07, 2012 28139 views

What does an OBGYN do while in residency?

I am a sophomore who is interested in learning more about the steps leading up into becoming an OBGYN. #doctor #medicine #healthcare #residency #steps