Jenny’s Career Goals
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If STEM was just one of your interests in school, how did you balance your love for other "less stable" careers such as arts. How important is it to prioritise what will benefit your future than what will make you truly passionate?
I'm currently a year 12 student and will pursue a STEM career in neuroscience if my ATAR is sufficient. However, I also have many other interests involving the arts that I want to incorporate in my career but not sure how to :,)

What is it like being a woman working in STEM? Are there any feelings of self doubt or lack of confidence? If so, how to overcome it?
I've always been so confused and honestly frustrated that women don't get as much recognition in STEM-related careers, and although opportunities are arising there are still underlying sexism and misogyny in the workplace. That sometimes discourage me from pursuing a career in STEM because I...

What are the perks of being a neuroscientist?
I want to be a neuroscientist and pursue my dreams. I know what university I should go to and what subjectss I should choose and how I’m going to pay for uni. But I really want to know what advantages you’ll get when being a neuroscientist. Please answer. I really appreciate it. #neuroscientist...