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Rachael Eichacker’s Avatar

Rachael Eichacker

Solutions Specialist
Sales and Related Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
7 Answers
6715 Reads
16 Karma
Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Aug 15, 2018 603 views

Are University of California (UC) students allowed to have vespas on campus for their freshman year ?

#UCsystem #UCSC

VIL’s Avatar
VIL Jul 18, 2018 1196 views

Can athletes use augmented reality? - Julia, Kylie

We want to be athletes. We like to run. At STEM Camp they're teaching us augmented reality. Can you use it for sports or athletics?

#athletics #sports #AR #VR #augmentedreality #STEM #Verizon #VerizonInnovativeLearning

Clory’s Avatar
Clory Mar 02, 2016 1399 views

What are the experiences that I will encounter as an anatomist?

I know that anatomy deals with learning about the body; I want to learn more about the human body as I get older. I am interested into learning the mysteries of the human body so that I can learn everything I can. In addition to learning about the human body, in anatomy individuals dissect...

VIL’s Avatar
VIL Jul 18, 2018 761 views

Have you ever used augmented reality as a teacher? - Claire

My name is Claire, and I've been learning about virtual and augmented reality at Verizon's STEM Camp. I am currently in middle school and would like to someday be a teacher. Have you as a teacher ever used AR in a lesson as a teaching aid? Thanks. #AR #VR #augmentedreality #teaching #teacher...

VIL’s Avatar
VIL Jul 18, 2018 974 views

Have you ever used augmented reality to look at anatomy? - Jenna

Hi, my name is Jenna, and I'm a girl in middle school who is interested in one day working as a veterinarian. We are learning about virtual and augmented reality at STEM Camp, and I was interested in learning more about how AR could be used for veterinary science or looking at an animal's...

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Aug 21, 2018 1269 views

How can you limit after-college debt?

what is the best way to manage debt after graduating college #financial-planning