Rachael Eichacker
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Are University of California (UC) students allowed to have vespas on campus for their freshman year ?
#UCsystem #UCSC

Can athletes use augmented reality? - Julia, Kylie
We want to be athletes. We like to run. At STEM Camp they're teaching us augmented reality. Can you use it for sports or athletics?
#athletics #sports #AR #VR #augmentedreality #STEM #Verizon #VerizonInnovativeLearning

What are the experiences that I will encounter as an anatomist?
I know that anatomy deals with learning about the body; I want to learn more about the human body as I get older. I am interested into learning the mysteries of the human body so that I can learn everything I can. In addition to learning about the human body, in anatomy individuals dissect...

Have you ever used augmented reality as a teacher? - Claire
My name is Claire, and I've been learning about virtual and augmented reality at Verizon's STEM Camp. I am currently in middle school and would like to someday be a teacher. Have you as a teacher ever used AR in a lesson as a teaching aid? Thanks. #AR #VR #augmentedreality #teaching #teacher...

Have you ever used augmented reality to look at anatomy? - Jenna
Hi, my name is Jenna, and I'm a girl in middle school who is interested in one day working as a veterinarian. We are learning about virtual and augmented reality at STEM Camp, and I was interested in learning more about how AR could be used for veterinary science or looking at an animal's...

How can you limit after-college debt?
what is the best way to manage debt after graduating college #financial-planning