Career questions tagged curiosity

How can I determine the amounts of shifts/hours of work for being a therapist/any person to help with mental health or a marine biologist/ underwater photographer and how can it overtake someone's life (will it take a lot of time out of their day?)
#curiosity #science # helpful

What is the expectations of a great student?
I am curious #curiosity #studying-tips #academic-success

should I do a major and minor?
Specifically, next year I'm applying to NTID, Gallaudet, and Hunter College. I'm thinking about doing a major and minor. So is it possible for me to do both? #junior-year #curiosity

Is it possible I can do a minor and major when I applied to college for next year
Specifically, next year I'm applying to NTID, Gallaudet, and Hunter College. I'm thinking about doing a major and minor. So is it possible for me to do both? #junior-year #curiosity

Why do spectators play a very important role in the sports entertainment industry?
I know when it comes to merchandise you need fans to purchase things and for support, but other than that, what makes them so important? I'm just curios to know. #experience #curiosity

What made you decide whatever career(s) you are currently undertaking?
It is a question of curiosity and universal application; almost anybody can answer it. #career #jobs #career-choice #occupation #curiosity

What are the experiences that I will encounter as an anatomist?
I know that anatomy deals with learning about the body; I want to learn more about the human body as I get older. I am interested into learning the mysteries of the human body so that I can learn everything I can. In addition to learning about the human body, in anatomy individuals dissect human bodies as well. Tags: anatomy, knowledge, curiosity, love-of-science, experience #experience #knowledge #anatomy #curiosity #love-of-science