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2 Questions
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Najla Aug 26, 2018 876 views

Passion or money?

Just from the question itself many people would have chosen passion. However, my question to that is at what point do you realize that something is your passion? Do you grow attached to the subject? What if what you’re passionate about can’t be done because of expenses, then what? When I say...

Najla’s Avatar
Najla Aug 26, 2018 1074 views

For someone who doesn’t know what they want or expect from their future, what advice can you give?

I’ve never really had a professional interest in subjects. Yes, I enjoy leaning about the unknown so astronomy and marine biology would seem too of my list but, is that what is meant for me? Though I enjoy the subject, I’m not sure if that’s the path I should be taking. #undecided #astronomy...