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Portsmouth, Virginia
2 Questions
96 Karma

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Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Aug 30, 2018 760 views

What do fresh out of college Engineer majors do?

Engineering is one major I'm considering but I don't know what I want to know. I'm afraid I have a different idea of what actually happens after schooling. I can see what classes those in that major take and what companies they may work for, but how different is the class work to an actual...

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Aug 30, 2018 1059 views

What are your experiences of going into college undecided?

I'm currently a High School senior and am very much undecided about my future or college major. I plan on going to a local Community College to try to figure out my path. So what are your experiences going in undecided? Should I go the general education route and then transfer to a 4 year with...