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Granger, Indiana
2 Questions
51 Karma

Noah’s Career Goals

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Noah’s Avatar
Noah Aug 30, 2018 707 views

How much time should I expect to put in to getting $70k+ in scholarships?

I know it's a lot, but I'm ready to put in the work required so that I won't be in student debt for the prime of my life. How much time should I expect filling out this many scholarships will take? #scholarships

Noah’s Avatar
Noah Aug 30, 2018 789 views

Will founding a club and programming your own game get you a good chance at getting into the Ivy League?

I am currently in the process of these 2 things and I'm not sure how to beef up my chances of getting into Brown/Harvard. Do I stand a good chance with these under my belt + president of another club + solid Ivy level academics? Also I'm going into computer science, if that helps (or...