Michael Green
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How difficult is it to work you way up to become a lawyer?
#lawyer #career #attorney #criminal-justice

What experiences did you gain from taking the bar test that helped you or could help you become a better lawyer?
#lawyer #law-school #collegebound #lawdegree #bartest

What is the best way to get focused and start studying?
I have such a hard time starting projects, homework, studying, etc. and it's so frustrating. Sometimes when I do start I can't get focused and I'm not sure why. Help.
#school #homework #studying-tips

What are some relevant courses I should take while in Undergraduate school to be well prepared for the test to get into Law School?
#graduate-school #law-school # #college #undergrad

What are the most effective study habits?
I have found effective ways to study for some classes, but not all of them so I wanted to what other people have done.#studying-tips

Can I pursue more than 3 majors at the same time? Or should i just settle for a double major?
Is there a way to be able to major in multiple things (3 or more at the same time).?
Or should I just settle for a double major in Law (earn a Juris Doctor Degree) and Computer science (Computer Software Engineering)? #attorney #computer-software #computer #lawyer

what are lawyers payed
Whats the difference between beginners and advanced lawyers