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Alexander Chu’s Avatar

Alexander Chu

R&D Engineer at Abbott Labboratories
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
2 Answers
1875 Reads
1 Karma



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Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Oct 27, 2016 960 views

What is a career in biomedical engineering like?

I've been very interested in biochemical engineering for a long time. I am interested in building and/or improving prosthetics. One of my closest friends was born without the lower half on one of her legs. With a lot of hard work and support from friends and family, as well as a great...

Kenneth’s Avatar
Kenneth Dec 01, 2016 1471 views

Im passionate about anatomy (Particularly Nervous, Endocrine, Respiratory) , biology, engineering, and computing. I am a sophomore in high school and have very little of an idea as to where to go or what career is right for me. Any ideas?

I recently have been thinking a lot about the future and what I should aim for after high school gets done. #engineering #medicine #biology #computer #surgery #biotechnology #anatomy