Career questions tagged prosthetics

How do I get started in the R&D of prosthetics? What job will help me get there?
I am a junior in college looking to apply for2025 summer internships/jobs in orthopedic prosthetics.

How do you learn about your educational journey when looking at careers?
for example I am interested in prosthetics

What does a biotech engineer design other than prosthetics?
I am a Freshman from Waimea High school and I think that it would be really interesting to design prosthetics for patients but I was wondering if Biotech Engineers design anything else.

I'm a final year student in BHSc in medical orthotics and prosthetics , looking at the currently unemployment rate in our field is so scary , how can one increases the chances of employment , especially the ones to work in other countries where Orthotists and prosthetists are in demand ?
Being orthotist and prosthetist

Is outsourcing a problem in the biomedical engineering / neuroengineering field?
I am a student planning to major in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Neuroscience in hopes of being competitive in the field of neuroengineering. Specifically, I would like to work on the development of neuroprosthetics. I know that outsourcing is a bit of a problem in other engineering fields, so I was wondering if this also holds true for biomedical engineering? I would also like to know about job opportunities in this field. I am hoping that the industry is not too small to be dependable. #internships #career #neuroscience #neuroengineering #career-development #career-counseling #prosthetics #neuroprosthetics #neuralprosthetics #neurorobots #neuroelectronics #bioengineering #biomedicalengineering #engineering #college #biotech

What is a good education pathway for a career in neuroprosthetics?
I am currently a student planning to major in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Neuroscience in hopes of being competitive in the neuroengineering industry. Specifically, I want to work developing neuroprosthetics. For anyone working in the field, do you have any advice for getting a foot in the door to this industry? I would especially appreciate recommendations for colleges with good neuroengineering programs, internship and research opportunities, or co-ops, as well as information about companies active in the field (in the US). #internships #career #neuroscience #neuroengineering #career-development #career-counseling #prosthetics #neuroprosthetics #neuralprosthetics #neurorobots #neuroelectronics #bioengineering #biomedicalengineering #engineering #college #biotech

When becoming a prosthodontist what would be the best starting plan?
#financial-planning #prosthetics #science

Are there any schools that have a merge program from occupational therapy to prosthetic?
Are there any schools that have a merge program from occupational therapy to prosthetic or undergraduate to a master program in prosthetic. #programs #schools #therapy #occupational-therapy #prosthetics

What is the best school if wanting to be a Prosthetic Tech in Texas?
What is the best school for someone wanting to specialize in prosthetic? #school #medicine #doctor #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare #med-school #testing #prosthetics #prosthetic-tech

In working toward the field of prothetics do I need a master degree before a docorate
To understand how much schooling I will need and how I should prepare for applying to graduate school. #graduate-school #masters #doctorate #prosthetics #healthcare #biomedical-engineering #engineer

In the Northeast, what are the top comapnies for prosthetic design?
#technology #engineering #prosthetics

Recommendations on colleges for prosthetics and hands on learning
I am highly involved with prosthetics as a senior but I do not have the strongest grades from my freshman and sophomore years, which are restricting me the top schools for biomedical engineering like Penn and Tufts. What Should I do? #college #biomedical-engineering #prosthetics

What are the different paths I can pursue for prosthetics
I am certain I will be pursuing prosthetics throughout college but I am not sure the differentiation in paths #engineering #biomedical-engineering #prosthetics

What is a career in biomedical engineering like?
I've been very interested in biochemical engineering for a long time. I am interested in building and/or improving prosthetics. One of my closest friends was born without the lower half on one of her legs. With a lot of hard work and support from friends and family, as well as a great prosthetic leg, she has become a very successful runner. She even won gold in the Paratriathlon in Rio 2016. Throughout all the time I've known her, Grace has been such an inspiration to me, and has convicted me to dedicate my life to biomedical engineering. I realize every experience in this field is different, but I would love to learn more about a day in the life of a biochemical engineer. #engineering #biomedical-engineering #biotechnology #women-in-stem #prosthetics

If I wanted to become a prosthetist, what should I major in for under grad?
I've considered becoming a prosthetist, but that is only offered at the Master's level. What type of undergrad major should I be looking to get to go on for grad school for prosthetics? #health #prosthetics #veterans #orthotics #hospital #medicine #college #hospital-and-health-care