Leigh’s Career Goals
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What major and/or job should I take if I want to get into the anime industry?
I'm both interested in anime, as well as Japanese art, and I would like to know what I should do. #anime #animator

What would I learn if I took a major in Unusual Psychology?
I'm interested in what happens in this major, and I want to learn more about it. #psychology #college-minor

What major and career path should I take if I'm interested taking care of rabbits?
I am extremely interested in taking care of rabbits, but I don't want to be a veterinarian because I only want to take care of that one type of animal. I would like to know what career path to take, besides being a vet.

What types of jobs are available at Adult Swim?
I was thinking about working on the production team of The Boondocks, and I just wanted to know what a person could do if they wanted to work there? #art #cartoons

What majors should I take if I want to get into the culinary arts?
I like art and music, but I also like cooking. So what majors should I take that would satisfy this? #culinary-arts #culinary-skills

What does a record producer do, how much do they make, and is it a good start- up job for someone who likes music and art?
I am very interested in record production and I really want to know what it is like to be one. #music-recording #record-labels

What types of majors should a person take if they would like to work at Cartoon Network, ABC, or MTV?
I'm very interested working in the entertainment industry, especially in terms of animation and producing, and I would like to know which path I should take in terms of majors. #producer #cartoons #television-production

What does a person do at Disney University?
I'm hoping to participate in Disney University, or the Disney college program, and I would like to know what it's like. #art #disney

What are some possible careers for someone who wants to take majors in Graphic Design, French, Sketching, Studio Arts, Photography, Music, French and Japanese ?
I'm in 12th grade, and I don't have a definite career choice yet. I just know that I would like to be fluent in Japanese and French, and that my career would be related to art and/or music. #graphic-design #video-games #photography #french #japanese #disney