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Ariana Bautista’s Avatar

Ariana Bautista

Licensed Clinical Social Worker at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
3 Answers
4996 Reads
1 Karma
Kinley’s Avatar
Kinley Apr 16, 2018 1321 views

What are the differences between the work a pyschiatrist does and the work a psychologist does

I have interest in being a psychologist or psychiatrist but I am bit fuzzy on the difference between the two.
#medicine #pyschology #pysch #pyschologist #mental-health-care #mental-health #clincial-mental-health #mental-health-counseling

Kristi’s Avatar
Kristi Aug 01, 2018 1011 views

What is a sure way to get clients for a clinical counseling professional?

#clients #therapists #therapy #social-work #family-therapy

Clifford Khent’s Avatar
Clifford Khent Mar 06, 2018 2870 views

What is it like being in the Social Work field?

Can someone give me insight on what they do as a social worker? #social