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Georgia’s Avatar
Georgia Feb 01, 2017 1418 views

Is taking a year out of university/college to gain a year of experience in industry really necessary?

Obviously gaining industry experience before graduating is great but how important would you rate it? Would it strongly differentiate between two potential candidates? How valued for a graduate job would it be? Even if the experience isn't completely relevant to the job. Are graduates looked...

Kadeesha’s Avatar
Kadeesha Jan 16, 2018 897 views

How do you know if you’re really choosing the right career?

My career choice has been the same since I️ was young. Most people at my age have changed up to fit their interest, but not me. So what if I’m choosing the wrong path, how do I️ know?
#healthcare-it #registered-nursing

Tyiana’s Avatar
Tyiana Aug 11, 2018 845 views

What is a typical week for a computer programer? What are some important key points to look for in while applying for coleges to ensure a benefical education for computer science?

#college #advice #computerscience #computerprogrammer #research

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan Aug 16, 2018 974 views

What is the best way to avoid burnout as a programmer?

#burnout #computerscience #programmer #coder