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Gates Callanan’s Avatar

Gates Callanan

Puppet Fabricator, Animator
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Portland, Oregon
15 Answers
23052 Reads
42 Karma

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Sophie’s Avatar
Sophie May 19, 2023 1012 views

Storyboarding in feature animation ?

What would be recommended to do in order to get into feature storyboarding for animation?

Isa’s Avatar
Isa Oct 26, 2021 560 views

What is a good starting point for someone who wants to be an animator?

I am a high school senior who is interested in animation. #animation

Aaron’s Avatar
Aaron Aug 26, 2021 1075 views

How long does it usually take to animate something?

I like anime. #animation

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Nov 11, 2020 1388 views

What kind of education do I need in order to become a Cartoonist?

I’ve always liked to draw, and watch cartoons since I was in Preschool. It feels like Cartooning is the perfect career for me. In fact, there was someone who inspired me to become a Cartoonist in the first place, Craig McCracken!! He is a cartoonist, and not only was I inspired by him, but...

Sunrise’s Avatar
Sunrise Aug 04, 2020 639 views

How do I transition from short animations to long ones

So I do alot of animation memes (these if you dont know are short animations often going to a song of some kind sometimes depicting a short story) and I am nervous because for a demo reel I need to have more detalied/perfosional work but I cant really see myself getting out of doing short ones...

Eric’s Avatar
Eric Jan 14, 2019 1010 views

How many years would it take if I were to study animation and making cartoons?

#Years #Cartoons #Animation #Help

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Jan 16, 2018 8950 views

What kind of math classes are required to major in animation?

I have tooken many college classes to help save for the cost of college but the highest math class I was able to take in high school was College Algerbra. Would I have to Take any further math courses such as calculus or stats to pursue this career?

#mathematics-education #math #animation

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Jan 15, 2018 851 views

True Placement Rating for Animation

All colleges give placement ratings. Has anyone completed a degree in Animation? And how quickly did you get a job thru that school #animation #college #3d-animation #character-animation

Rita’s Avatar
Rita Sep 28, 2017 1002 views

If you want to work with animation and developing a cartoon TV show do you have to take different art classes that require you to draw realistically?

My dream is to have my own cartoon show one day but I am only capable of drawing cartoons, I struggle when my teachers assigns me to draw realistically. #animation #cartooning #tvshow #television #artist #drawing

Jillian’s Avatar
Jillian May 30, 2018 872 views

What are some internships involved with animation or illustration?

I'm studying to go into the animation field, along with concept art. Does anyone know of companies that have internships for those just starting out?
#art #artist #animation #internship #illustration

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Mar 08, 2017 2978 views

Is the life of an Animator as strict as everyone says it is, or do you have some freedom?

I've been interested in becoming an animator since I was 7 years old,i'm currently 17 years old right now,and I wanted to know what environment/ lifestyle an animator has? #professional #animation #animators #expertise #2d #3d

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Jan 15, 2018 1227 views

Do you need a Master Degree in Animation

Is it really necessary to get a Master Degree in Animation to get your dream job? #animation #college #3d-animation #character-animation #higher-education

jiafu’s Avatar
jiafu May 30, 2017 1242 views

Where can i get experience in animation and game development?

The job i want want requires 2+ years of experience in game development animating characters. #animation #computer-games #career-details

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Dec 06, 2018 732 views

How to get started in animation?

#animation #art #artist

Brookelyn’s Avatar
Brookelyn Jun 27, 2018 960 views

How could I become an artist for games?

Can I create art for popular games?
#art #animation #technology