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Mitchell Brasher’s Avatar

Mitchell Brasher

Bio-Mechanical Design Engineer - 1 year Exp. - BS Mechanical Engineering
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
5 Answers
4888 Reads
1 Karma
Roham’s Avatar
Roham Jul 21, 2023 985 views

How social can you be in a biomedical engineering field?

This doesn't need to be specifically biomedical engineering, but it can include any type of engineering. I am a very social person and I fear that there isn't much social interaction occurring within the field.

Bob’s Avatar
Bob Nov 23, 2023 571 views

What extracurriculars?

What extracurriculars did you take to get to your college and to decide on major?

angela’s Avatar
angela Aug 02, 2023 1574 views

What would be practical to major in biotechnology if I intended to go to med school?

I'm a sophomore in high school and wondering what's best for me when I get into college.

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Nov 23, 2023 922 views

Where do I even begin to start to get my life on track?

I haven't decided on anything I want to do in my life. I'm unsure about anything and having a hard time making any type of life altering decisions.

Kundan Kumar’s Avatar
Kundan Kumar Nov 22, 2023 1205 views

I am in final year of my bachelor's in Biotechnology. Am I eligible to apply to MS in Genetic Counseling in USA?

I have seen some people comment that we need a medical background to enter into Genetic Counseling. Is it true?