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Franklin, Massachusetts
2 Questions
151 Karma

Maxwell’s Career Goals

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Maxwell Feb 12, 2019 946 views

What careers in economics are there that involve being a part of a team?

I am very interested in economics, but worry if I get an economic degree, I will be stuck behind a desk doing research, or teaching. I enjoy being a valued member of a team or community, and wonder if there is #career in #economics that will allow for that. #business #college #college-major

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Maxwell Feb 12, 2019 871 views

What is a good career path for someone who enjoys deliberating in meetings?

Most people hate sitting in meetings all day, but I enjoy it. I am involved in Student Government, and think Higher Education Administration might be a good fit. What are some other good career path for someone like me? #career #meetings #higher-ed #business #administration #college