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Evelyn Roderich’s Avatar

Evelyn Roderich

AML Lead Barclaycard
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Henderson, Nevada
6 Answers
12287 Reads
31 Karma

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Deasia ’s Avatar
Deasia May 05, 2016 1188 views

How much money does a pediatrician usually make a year?

I want to know how much money does a pediatrician make #money #pediatrician #pediatric-nursing

Landon’s Avatar
Landon May 06, 2016 1217 views

At what point during one's college experience should they select a major?

I will be entering college this spring, and like many people I am currently undecided as to what I want to major in. I know that this is not unusual, but what I do not know is at what point it is best to make the decision. At what times did others choose their majors? How did it work out?...

Flora’s Avatar
Flora Mar 24, 2014 1663 views

What kind of graduate degree is in demand right now?

I will be graduating with a Bachelor degree in Science soon. I don't want to work in science-related research so I don't want a Master of Science. I want to know what graduate degrees are in demand in industries such as pharmaceuticals or finance and are obtainable with a B. Sc. #finance...

Jade’s Avatar
Jade Mar 25, 2015 3988 views

How can you apply accounting to a professional dance career?

I am a senior in high school ready to take off for college literally. I have been dancing since I was 3 years old and I prefer to continue my successful dance career but with accounting. I love mathematics and calculating taxes as well. I want to do both of my passions together in college and...

Mayra’s Avatar
Mayra May 08, 2015 1864 views

whats the first step if you're interested in investigating fraud?

since i am interested in working with FBI but not some much into the action. #business #law #management #administration #criminology

Tony’s Avatar
Tony Nov 19, 2014 2501 views

Time to goal: How long does it normally take to acquire A: an entry level banking job, then B: A mid-level managerial role?

I am in the process of finishing up my enlistment in the Air Force and am looking to jump into the area of investment banking and finance/fintech. I have always been fascinated by the two. Ideally: How much time should I alot to reach goal A, then goal B. I do not have a background in...