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Gus Per’s Avatar

Gus Per

San Francisco, California
4 Answers
3058 Reads
16 Karma

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Aleksandra’s Avatar
Aleksandra Mar 05, 2019 801 views

How prominent are technology questions on the MCAT in comparison to strictly biological questions?

#tech #biology #MCAT #doctor #med #medicine #medschool #physician #science #biotechnology #exam

Sohyun’s Avatar
Sohyun Mar 06, 2019 763 views

first data science skill to learn

I got train for data science for four months in an education institution and learned basic Python skills (e.i. how to use libraries such as Statsmodels or Scikit-learn) and some mathematical knowledge of statistics and probabilities. I think I need more knowledge and skill but confusing what...

Chanjewon’s Avatar
Chanjewon Feb 07, 2019 1000 views

What's it like to work as a computer programmer/coder?

#computer-science #computer #technology #programming #computer-hardware

Pogba’s Avatar
Pogba Mar 05, 2019 578 views

Since most colleges only offere general computer Science as a course, how can you use that later when applying to more specific technical jobs to gain knowledge about computer science deeply like analytics?

#technology #computer-science