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New York, New York
4 Questions
329 Karma

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Jstewart Feb 23, 2014 3657 views

What major should I consider if I want to travel?

I am majoring in Business Finance but the I want to change my major because Economics is not my best subject but I do not know what i want to major in. I wanted to be a financial advisory because i want to help people or company finance/ manage money. But If I had another option I would want a...

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Jstewart Jul 22, 2012 2066 views

What does the major Mathematics - General cover ?

I am an 11th grader and I plan on majoring in Mathematics and I want to know the different fields of Mathematics so i can pick the right one for me or the one I think I would be the most interested in. #college-major #math

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Jstewart Jul 04, 2012 4053 views

What Internships should i look for if i plan to major in Business?

I am a rising senior and i plan to major in business and i want to find internships that align with what i want to major in, so what type of internships should i look for and where should i look? #business #internships

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Jstewart Jun 21, 2012 12635 views

I want to major in Cosmetology, but can not find a four year college that provides it, what should i do?

I want to major in Cosmetology but i cant find a four year college that has that major. Should i attend a four year college first and major in something related to cosmetology and then switch to a two year college or should i just major in something related to cosmetology instead ?