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Victoria’s Avatar
Victoria Dec 17, 2018 1921 views

What are some tips when it comes to making a resume?

I am currently looking for internships in the accounting field. I have never made a resume and don't have any work experience so I am unsure of how to start and what to include in my first resume. I am also wondering what do employers look for in a resume. #resume #internship #job-application...

kelsey’s Avatar
kelsey Oct 26, 2016 1200 views

Where can you get hired after earning an accounting degree?

I am interested in accounting, but where can you work after you get your degree? #business #degree #masters #accountant #administration #in #bachelor #bookkeeper

Victoria’s Avatar
Victoria Apr 20, 2018 1479 views

What is the difference between a Bachelor's in Accounting and a Bachelor's in Business Administration with Emphasis in Accounting?

I am asking this question because certain institutions offer one or the other and I was wondering if they are the same degree essentially (or is there a difference). I would love to hear from professionals from both sides. I am interested in becoming an accountant and I would like to choose a...

Ayomide ’s Avatar
Ayomide Mar 20, 2017 922 views

Are their internships for specific majors?

Accounting student at Towson university #accounting

Andy’s Avatar
Andy Aug 14, 2018 1124 views

To accountants who transitioned between public, private, and/or government accounting, why did you decide to switch?

#publicaccounting #accounting #privateaccounting #governmetaccounting #government #job #job-search