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Reshma Balakrishnan’s Avatar

Reshma Balakrishnan

Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
5 Answers
6624 Reads
1 Karma

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Jose’s Avatar
Jose Apr 26, 2019 2861 views

How many hours does a engineer work for?

#engineering #engineer

Anirudh’s Avatar
Anirudh Mar 05, 2019 609 views

How do you make a difference in the world through your career?

Do you do things outside of your career? How do you combine your job and your passions, specifically through technology? #tech

Katelynn’s Avatar
Katelynn May 07, 2019 1138 views

What profession should I go into; business management or the medical field?

All my life I have been set on the medical field. I always wanted to know how exactly the body works and I want to be able to be given a situation and say something as simple as "Well let's check for appendicitis," and be right about it. I want to be able to connect with children and solve...

karan’s Avatar
karan Oct 25, 2017 1416 views

Which is the Biggest Recruiter job in government job sector?

which is the best government sector job for a graduate candidate. #india #government #government-administration

crystal’s Avatar
crystal Apr 10, 2019 952 views

how can i know what job i want
