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Jonathan Keeth’s Avatar

Jonathan Keeth

Project manager
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Dallas, Texas
4 Answers
9617 Reads
40 Karma

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diety’s Avatar
diety May 15, 2020 2494 views

I really want to be a veterinarian, but I struggle a lot with science and math so can anyone give me advice on how to tackle this on.

I love animals, but I hate science and math. I am bad at both and have not had good teachers to help me with my trouble in it. I don't want this to stop me from pursuing my dream and making me regret not trying so is there anyone who has been in the same boat as me? I am very intimidated...

Keziah’s Avatar
Keziah Jan 22, 2018 1622 views

What's it like, money wise, to have an apartment?

During college, depending on which one I go to, I was thinking about getting my own apartment, something cheap for now until I save up more money than I do now. I want to have the feeling of living on my own, to try and see if I can handle it. #financial-planning #mortgage

Ronaldo’s Avatar
Ronaldo Jan 19, 2018 3323 views

How do mortgages work?

My high school never taught me anything about mortgages, loans, debt, credit or any of that stuff that I will need in life. I am planning to move out of my parents home, but I have no idea how mortgages work and I want to get a house. #house-plans #mortgage #financial-planning