Omotola Alford
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Do you enjoy the career that you are working?
#engineering #work What exactly do you do when you are working? & do you work with people or alone?

what is important to know about getting a career?
high school graduate getting to know the best career #career #job #career-counseling #career-choice

what do you like most/least about this career?
Currently, I am a student at job corps. I will be studying about office administration, this career path looks interesting but I am not sure I want to work in this field. #career-counseling #office-administration

Any tips for maintaining a work-life balance while in school?
#college-advice #time-management

Finical Aid?
Ok so i have decided to go to a four year school after getting my associates degree and i was wondering where are the best places to look for finical aid?
#Financal-Aid #Adult-Learners #money-management

Is it better to get your bachelor's in nursing or stick with a associates?
#nursing #college # #healthcare