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Durham, North Carolina
3 Questions
141 Karma

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Zainab Dec 09, 2022 485 views

When does the credential process start for CSI?

and what does that look like for CSI work ?

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Zainab May 31, 2019 5130 views

Crime Scene Investigator vs. Crime Scene Technician vs. Forensic Science Technician

What are the difference between these three careers? They are pretty similar and I wanted to know what the clear differences between them are? #criminal-justice #forensic

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Zainab May 29, 2019 1086 views

Does a Crime Scene Investigator analyse the evidence?

I'm looking at going into forensic science and I'm interested in collecting evidence at the crime scene, but I also want to analyse the evidence. I wasn't sure if there was a job/career that fit this.
#forensic_science #crime_scene_investigator #criminal-justice