Career questions tagged crime

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ElaynaFeb 192157 views

What careers would suit me if I am interested in going into either a biology related field or a criminal justice field?

I know that my preferences may change by the time I have to choose a primary topic of study for college. I'm just curious if there are any other careers within the couple of fields that I'm interested in and could be researching at the moment. I like science in general: mainly chemistry, biology, and anatomy. Plus I've always liked working with animals. I also like the process that goes into criminal investigation. I've been doing research and actively learning more about crime investigation to see if I'd like to pursue it in the future.

answer icon4 answers
Active Feb 25
location iconElk River
undefined's avatar
trinityFeb 03387 views

Is security a fulfilling job?

What is the annual salary? How would I deal with ethical dilemmas or conflicts of interest in security work? What are the main security risks and challenges for the organization? What are the security policies and procedures that I would need to follow and enforce?

answer icon2 answers
Active Feb 04
location iconSedro-Woolley
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HannahDec 01, 2024485 views

CSIs, how often are you called into work after your shift ?

I'm a highschool student who wants to work in criminal justice in the future, and CSI sounds very interesting to me. But from what I've heard, you have to get up even when you're off-shift, work overtime, and have a very inconsistent schedule with minimal sleep. It's important to me that I'll have time to sleep and exercise after work, and that routine being disturbed sometimes is manageable. But I haven't heard about how often it would get disturbed, so I'm starting to think CSI might not be right for me.

answer icon1 answers
Active Dec 04, 2024
location iconChicago
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RebeccaOct 10, 2024527 views

Are there careers that incorporate Forensic Science and Criminology in daily tasks?

My dream career would involve criminal profiling, investigating, crime scene investigation and forensic analysis all in one. I'm looking for a career that is as close to that as possible.

answer icon2 answers
Active Oct 11, 2024
location iconBig Lake
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NevaehAug 14, 2024555 views

I'm in 8th grade and I would like to be a police officer. Should I start learning cop codes, what are some things I should start learning ?

Any tips??

answer icon3 answers
Active Aug 15, 2024
location iconBrazil
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RebeccaAug 04, 20241160 views

How do I select what I want to be?

honestly feel like I'm at a crossroad. I've been told to get a job that pays well, but to also get one that I will enjoy in the long term. All my life, I've wanted to go into the crime and investigation studies , on the physical side, but I feel as though that would be something that wouldn't be in the long term and I would find myself not enjoying as I get older. I also have been looking into real estate and doing that in order to make money at a young age to invest it early. But, my parents are pushing me to get a degree, so I was thinking of getting a management degree to open my opportunities even further. But, if I were to minor in criminology studies, would there be a bridge in order to crossover both of those things? Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks!!

answer icon9 answers
Active Sep 12, 2024
location iconMilwaukee
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TrinityJun 20, 2024461 views

How can I find on-the-job training for forensic science?

I’m interested in working in the forensic science field, specifically as a crime scene investigator or a forensic biologist. I’m going to college in a small town with an average crime rate.

answer icon1 answers
Active Jun 21, 2024
location iconUnited States
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ariannaMay 06, 20241931 views

what does it take to become a crime-investigator and what are the other jobs that are like this?

? im a 15-year-old girl who always has, and I mean always been interested in crime documentation and investigations, but I don't know how I would start it honestly. I know I would never want to be a police officer because Im kind of scared of them based on the past and the salary, I know it would take time but what would I do even to start this? I would love to help people get closure and be an investigator but it seems to me that it's police work first I'm just so confused about how I feel about this. what do I need for college credits? where would I even go?

answer icon4 answers
Active Jun 07, 2024
location iconSaginaw
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DemetraMar 13, 2024719 views

What is the starting salary for a fingerprint technician?

I am interested in crime and studying criminology would be super cool. It is amazing that they can find a person of the lines in someone finger print. I would love to help serve justice for a family by finding a criminal off of their fingerprints.

answer icon2 answers
Active Mar 13, 2024
location iconUnited States
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PeytonFeb 26, 2024775 views

How long does it take to find a career in forensics?

Is it a grueling process?

answer icon2 answers
Active Jun 07, 2024
location iconJersey Village
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IsaacOct 16, 20231183 views

In Forensics, how does Luminol interact specifically with other chemicals and substances and what produces the most drastic outcome?

I may not have spelled Luminol correctly so I hope I was not too far off from the point. By drastic, I mean what chemical or substance would produce the most desired outcome?

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 19, 2023
location iconSneads Ferry
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domonickOct 03, 20231590 views

How long does it take to get a criminal justice degree?

Approximately how many years of college should i expect to obtain my criminal justice degree.

answer icon2 answers
Active Nov 24, 2023
location iconTroutdale
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domonickOct 03, 2023500 views

What steps do I need to take to obtain the necessary certifications for the criminal investigations division??

What degrees and training do i need to succeed in this feild??

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 24, 2023
location iconTroutdale
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macieAug 23, 2023850 views

What is a good first start to become a homicide detective ?

I’ve always had a passion for anything involving law, specifically a homicide detective but i’ve never known how to get a start on it. I’m asking for help and advice on this so i can do whatever it takes to become what i’ve always wanted to be!

answer icon5 answers
Active Sep 23, 2023
location iconMaricopa
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MirandaAug 17, 20231940 views

Which degree(s) will I need to go into the criminal psychology/criminology field?

There are a lot of different degrees regarding this field and I’m not sure what or which colleges and degrees to look at. It would be helpful if I could get suggestions as to which colleges/universities and degrees to look further into.

answer icon3 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconAlton
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ReniyaJul 28, 20231681 views

How do you find jobs associated with true crime?

I am interested in true Crime

answer icon2 answers
Active Oct 22, 2023
location iconBeulaville
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demiApr 16, 2023475 views

When you graduate the academy, how quickly do you start doing serious field work How soon do you get to start working high-profile or violent crimes? Can you choose what types of cases you work? ?

When you graduate the academy, how quickly do you start doing serious field work? How soon do you get to start working high-profile or violent crimes? Can you choose what types of cases you work? #fbi #crime

answer icon2 answers
Active Mar 13, 2024
location iconLakeland