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Pam Gomez de Penkoff’s Avatar

Pam Gomez de Penkoff

Graduate Assistant
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Personal Care and Service Occupations
Naperville, Illinois
2 Answers
1345 Reads
1 Karma

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Paulina Vanessa’s Avatar
Paulina Vanessa May 12, 2018 899 views

Which is the most challenging part of studying an undergraduate degree on education at the United States?

I am an international student who's dream is to study education at the United States, and I would like to know more about the challenges students can face while studying a degree on education so I can compare the differences among studying at my country and studying at the United States....

Vannessa’s Avatar
Vannessa Jan 18, 2018 721 views

What are the best types of jobs to take while in college?

#college #money