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Gloria’s Avatar


San Lorenzo, Santa Fe Province, Argentina
2 Questions
116 Karma

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Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Oct 24, 2015 1262 views

What are some colleges for Computer Science?

I am currently a junior in high school and I have been looking at some colleges. I plan to major in computer science but I am not sure what college are good for this major. I know that very popular colleges, such as Carnegie Mellon, Stanford, UCLA, UCB, Cal Tech (etc) but they are all really...

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria Oct 24, 2015 3750 views

What are some tips for finding a graphic design internship in high school?

I am currently a high school junior and I want to find a graphic design internship. I have been doing graphic design consistently for two years now, but it is all self taught and have never had any professional teaching. I really enjoy graphic design and hope to minor in it for college. I have...