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El Paso, Texas
3 Questions
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Alan Sep 05, 2019 759 views

What kind of auto-mechanic make the most money?

I'm starting my automotive career in Job Corps and I would like to know how much you will make once you get higher and higher in promotions or just go to college for a similar career or another career. #auto-mechanic #automotive #career

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Alan Sep 05, 2019 711 views

What is the pay for the Automotive Career?

I am currently starting my vocation in Job Corps and I would know if the pay is worth for a good career. #financial-planning #auto-mechanic

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Alan Sep 05, 2019 772 views

What are the good and bad stuff for the Automotive career?

Hello my name is Alan and I'm interested in the Auto-Tech career. I would like to know what are the benefits and the disadvantages. #career-choice #career-paths #auto-mechanic