David Xu
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Finance or Economics As a major
Hello, for undergrad I definetly want to take international relations but I would like to combine it with another major, and I was thinking economics or Finance, does anyone know the best major to partner up with that for me to get a job in an NGO or an International organization/Bank? #college...

What companies are interested in people with an economics degree and a dream to become an investment banker?
I am a high school senior who is going to be graduating this summer. I wanted to go into an economics major, but I did not know what my future would look like with that degree. I am very interested in studying a math related topic being that it is my favorite subject. A career where I would...

Economics or Chemistry
I'm really confused right now. My current subjects are: Economics, Physics, Chemistry and Maths The career path i am interested in are Architecture and Finance. To get into a good architecture school. I was thinking of dropping either chemistry or economics for art and design (for AS) I don't...