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Crookston, Minnesota
2 Questions
101 Karma

Cassandra’s Career Goals

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Cassandra’s Avatar
Cassandra Oct 14, 2015 1875 views

What type of education and requirements would I need to be an entrepreneur?

I have always been interested in owning my own business. It is about time for me st start looking at colleges and I was wondering what classes I would have to take to gain a degree in business. What should I major in? How many years of college would be required? would I need a license to own...

Cassandra’s Avatar
Cassandra Oct 14, 2015 1280 views

What does it take to become an attorney?

I am a senior in high school exploring my career options. What type of personality traits are good to have? How many years of college is required? What should a student looking to become an attorney major in? #attorney