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2 Questions
96 Karma

Austin’s Career Goals

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Austin Oct 20, 2015 2062 views

What do you do on a day to day basis being an athletic trainer?

So I am Austin From Norman County West, and my other question is what does a sports trainer do on a day to day basis? Also what kind of college credits do you need and some other things I was wondering is what possible Majors, Degrees, license, and credentials. And also what do you guys do for...

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Austin Oct 14, 2015 2554 views

What kind of credits do you need in college to be a chef?

Hi my name is Austin I am from Norman County West and I was wondering what kind of education you need to have to be a chef? I've always liked cooking so I've always wanted to be a chef ever since I was little. Also once you graduate how much money per year do you make? Some other questions I...