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Crookston, Minnesota
2 Questions
111 Karma

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Caleb’s Avatar
Caleb Oct 19, 2015 1556 views

Becoming a chef...

Hello, I am a senior at Norman County West and will be hopefully filling out applications for college soon. I have been looking into being a chef for a long time now and I have a few questions to ask. Is the starting minimum pay a good salary? How much schooling is needed for being a chef?...

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Caleb Oct 14, 2015 3300 views

What is the best way to become a state trooper?

I am a senior at Norman County West and will be hopefully filling out applications for college soon. I have been looking into being a state trooper for a long time now and I have a few questions to ask. What college classes are needed to be a trooper, and how many years? I have also been...