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Trenton’s Avatar


Haslet, Texas
6 Questions
445 Karma

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Trenton’s Avatar
Trenton Nov 10, 2015 2287 views

What do I need to practice to get good at a guitar?

I love the acoustic guitar #music #acoustic #guitar

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Trenton Nov 02, 2015 1656 views

What is a good app to use for animating?

I have been wondering what the best app for animation is #art #animation

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Trenton Oct 22, 2015 2038 views

What is a good way to practice stop-motion animation

I've recently got into stop-motion animation would like some advice on how to practice #art #animation #practice #stop-motion

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Trenton Oct 21, 2015 1549 views

What degree do i need to get to go into a institute for art and animation?

I'm curious about what I need to get into a institute #art #animation #institute

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Trenton Oct 20, 2015 1191 views

how do i get my content (animations) out in the public?

I have made some stop-motion animations and I was curious how I get people to see it and get it noticed. #art #animation

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Trenton Oct 20, 2015 1080 views

what is a good place to go to for art/animation, like what college or institute etc.

i really enjoy art and animation so I wanted to make it my career #artist #experienced