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Stephanie Coleman, MBA, MLS, LPC-Intern’s Avatar

Stephanie Coleman, MBA, MLS, LPC-Intern

Career Counselor
Community and Social Service Occupations
Dallas, Texas
4 Answers
5138 Reads
11 Karma

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Ray’s Avatar
Ray Nov 19, 2019 712 views

What degree should I get in order to become a research psychologist?

One college I'm looking at has a research psych track that is simply a bachelor's degree, which doesn't sound right to me. Another college I'm looking at recomends a master's and then possibly continuing education at a grad school. Another college, which is a research college, has a research...

Ray’s Avatar
Ray Oct 13, 2019 2434 views

How do research psychologists get paid? And how well?

Where does the money come from- the institute you work for, funding from organizations that support your research, people and magazines that want to publicize your work? Do you get paid salary or commission? How much do you make a year? Is the income stable? Is the amount you are paid...

Ray’s Avatar
Ray Oct 13, 2019 1288 views

What psychology research has not yet been completed? (Especially in the developmental and abnormal fields?)

I am a high school senior and I am interested in psychology, especially the developmental and abnormal fields. I would like to get into research, but I am not exactly sure what I would be studying. Does anyone have an idea about what I would be researching by the time I am finished with...

Ana’s Avatar
Ana Mar 26, 2018 993 views

How can I balance my time?

How can I balance my time between after school activities and my academics? I’m involved in only 2 school related clubs but I feel as though that’s not enough in order to make myself stand out in a college application. I want to be more involved in other clubs but my main concern is that I’ll...