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Solmaira Flores-Valadez’s Avatar

Solmaira Flores-Valadez

Customer Success Engineer
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
5 Answers
15419 Reads
1 Karma

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Kilulay’s Avatar
Kilulay Nov 04, 2019 1476 views

What's the best ways to act during a job interview?

I'm mostly a talkative in a way that will may some how sound smart. #career

julianna’s Avatar
julianna Jun 12, 2019 2981 views

any advice for women going into a male dominated field of work?

#work #women #professional

Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor Sep 23, 2019 1353 views

Is this field growing enough so that there's room for someone like me?

#accounting #finance #financial-accounting #business

Cloe’s Avatar
Cloe Sep 06, 2019 486 views

What are the deadlines for applications and financial aid?

I want to go into psychology, because I’ve always been interested in the human mind. #psychology

Arely’s Avatar
Arely Oct 07, 2019 9549 views

Which major is better? Math, Finance or Accounting?

I love numbers . I don't know if I should pursue a major in Math, Finance or Accounting. #accounting #finance #business #math #major