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Louisiana, Missouri
5 Questions
212 Karma

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I want to be a 2d animator

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Sunrise Aug 04, 2020 834 views

Is 2d animation dieing

I want to be a 2d animator and recently I have been seeing less and less of it (at least in the big name cpmpanies) and I was wondering if I still have a chance to pursue it #career-counseling #art #artist #animation #animator

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Sunrise Aug 04, 2020 773 views

Are demo reels neciasry for all good animation colleagues

I want to confirm this question since I'm pretty sure but I want to double check #college #animation #animator

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Sunrise Aug 04, 2020 654 views

How do I transition from short animations to long ones

So I do alot of animation memes (these if you dont know are short animations often going to a song of some kind sometimes depicting a short story) and I am nervous because for a demo reel I need to have more detalied/perfosional work but I cant really see myself getting out of doing short ones...

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Sunrise Nov 16, 2019 619 views

What is the averge amount of decent animation i should have before colleague

Hi ive been animateing for 2 years and its decent but everyone else is so much better so im wondering to calm my nerves if i animate from 13 to when i get to colleague do i have a good chance of getting in?

#animation #art #college

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Sunrise Nov 16, 2019 892 views

How many years of animation should i have before going into a colleague

Hi im 14 years old and im wondering how many years should i have in animation before i enter a animation colleague. I ask this because im worried that because indont animate that well yet i might not get accepted :(

#animation #art #animation #job #design #artist