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Matt Denver’s Avatar

Matt Denver

Sales Operations Analyst
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Cranston, Rhode Island
4 Answers
28994 Reads
11 Karma

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Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Jan 25, 2018 21690 views

If you could redo college, what would you do differently?

#college #college-major #college-admissions #college-advice ##college #college-bound #college-recruiting #colleges #university #user-experience #nursing #teaching #education #psychology #computer-science #science #stem #engineering #accounting #business #college-counseling #lawyer...

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Oct 11, 2016 6167 views

What are some areas of telecommunications that will see the most growth in the coming decade or so?

I'm curious about what specific types of jobs are in demand now or will become more in demand within the next few years. This could even include positions that don't exist currently, but might in the future once technological innovations call for it. #communications #telecommunications...

Jayda’s Avatar
Jayda Dec 12, 2019 1416 views

What are the values your company upholds that makes them employers you would want to work for?

#career #business

Kaela’s Avatar
Kaela Dec 12, 2019 3228 views

Should I take physics or AP Bio senior year?

My guidance counselor suggested I take physics but I rather take AP Bio. It's more interesting and I want to major in Biology in college. (I want to be an optometrist) My counselor said she was concerned that colleges wouldn't the AP Bio credits but I think taking AP Bio would show my...