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Barbara Frazier, LP.D’s Avatar

Barbara Frazier, LP.D

Professor, Retired Detective
Legal Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Providence, Rhode Island
3 Answers
2314 Reads
11 Karma

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Vanessa’s Avatar
Vanessa Oct 26, 2022 651 views

What are some tips for someone who wants to go into the forensic field?

Like what should I prepare for? What should I spend more time focusing on? Things like that.

Madyson’s Avatar
Madyson Oct 26, 2022 502 views

Federal Government or Investigator/ College

What college courses should I be taking to work for the federal government as an agent or investigator?

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Aug 03, 2020 1326 views

What jobs are available for forensic science ?

College senior looking for a job in the forensic field because I will be receiving my forensic certification and criminal justice degree. #criminaljustice #forensic