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What are the fastest ways to make money for college?
Whether it's scholarships, or grants or a form of profit, please list down how or the specific name. #money #income #money-management

Is it normal to start work before signing a contract?
It freaked me out because a few days ago, I received an email notice that I was accepted to a job position that I applied for, but right after that email notice, there was another email giving me instructions for my first assignment and telling me that it needed to be completed within 48...

Are grants better than loans when first going to college? #learning #college
I'm asking because i want to make the best financial decisions dealing with my education. #college-advice

What are some ways I can make my junior year of high school less overbearing?
I am a high school student going into my third-year of high school. As you are no longer a newbie in high school, you would think that it would be easier to handle both school and the rest of your life since you should have gotten the hang of things already. Unfortunately, it only gets harder....

How do I apply for scholarships?
I am going into my junior year of high school and I need to start preparing for college very soon. My family isn't well off and so I will definitely have to take out student loans in order to pay off my college debt. I am not too familiar with how scholarships work. My brother is 4 years older...

On average, how many colleges should I look into applying to?
I am currently in my junior year, a crucial time for many high school students around the world. I have to focus on keeping my grades up, while studying and taking the SATs. This is also the time I have to start applying to colleges and then hoping that they would later accept me as one of...

For people who plan on becoming future web developers, would having online education be worth more than earning a Computer-Science related degree?
I'm currently a rising sophomore in college, who is majoring in Information Technology, with a concentration on Web and Mobile Development. The reason I'm addressing this question is that I want both other students who are interested in the same/similar field of study, and I, to be able to make...

I'm concerned that because college will be more challenging academically than high school that I might have some trouble keeping my grades at a top level. How can I make the adjustment to college learning without stressing myself out?
I have always done well in school and pride myself on my working knowledge. I am concerned that my grades might suffer due to all the changes I will have to deal with being on my own for the first time. I'm sure many students have experienced this, and want to avoid it, if at all possible....

What is the best way for me to get accepted into a very selective school, e.g. Stanford or Cal Berkeley, which is known for its success in computer science?
I am going into my junior year of high school and hoping to major in Computer Science in college. It has always been a dream of mine to go to Stanford or another, similarly selective school that has had success in its computer science department. I first got interested in computer science a few...

What is your best advice on how to stay motivated and sucessfull in your first years in college?
I will begin my freshman year of college this coming fall and I will be staying on campus. It's my first time away from home and I'm worried about getting lazy or procrastinating causing my grades to suffer. What's your best advice on how to stay on track while college bound? #college-bound...

What are some "beyond the norm" ways to save money in college? - Still open to any and all ideas!
Within the next few months I am going to attend college. Coming from a rural environment, I was hoping to discover some ways to save money. Having already researched possible ways to save money, I was hoping that someone might have something more to share from their personal experiance about...