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Preethi Parameswaran’s Avatar

Preethi Parameswaran

Business & IT Operations
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Jose, California
7 Answers
8439 Reads
21 Karma

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Ralph’s Avatar
Ralph Mar 02, 2020 1019 views

What are the downsides of working as a Information Security Analyst?

#tech #technology #information-technology #computer #programmer #programming

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Jan 26, 2020 631 views

What is the simplest way to get into the world of CyberSecurity?

I am a freshman at Cal Poly Pomona majoring in Computer Information Systems. I would like to develop my technical skills but I am not quite sure where to start. Any advice would be helpful, thank you. #business

Shashank’s Avatar
Shashank Jul 13, 2019 1380 views

Should I study Computer Engineering or Computer Science if I want to built my own software?

#computer #technology #computer-programming #computer-software #computer-engineering

Nicole’s Avatar
Nicole Jan 19, 2018 1894 views

What are tips to avoid distractions?

I am not very socially outgoing, but I have a hard time doing #homework and #essays when I have a fun #book and plenty to read that is not in relation to my classes. I need to find a way to #stop reading so much and start #focusing on my #school

kalum’s Avatar
kalum Nov 08, 2019 1207 views

In the future would we need more help desk technicians?

#career #job #career-choice

yashvi’s Avatar
yashvi Jan 08, 2020 2337 views

What is different between software engineering and information technology?

#technology #engineering #it #software

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Jan 17, 2018 822 views

Should I pursue the science of economics if I'm not interested in business?

I'm not going to college to become a businessperson or investor or suchlike, but the science of #economics fascinates me. Are there enough opportunities for people in this area that getting a degree in economics isn't a silly idea for me? #business