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Nancy Li’s Avatar

Nancy Li

IT Director
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Jose, California
4 Answers
4138 Reads
1 Karma

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Wsosa18’s Avatar
Wsosa18 Jan 19, 2012 2131 views

a career in business

i am in high school 11th grade, i like to use computers and I want to go into business but i am not sure what kind, could you give me some advice? #business

Nayai’s Avatar
Nayai Jan 15, 2020 599 views

What is the best college for computer science?


Colin’s Avatar
Colin Oct 21, 2016 2964 views

Do you prefer frontend or backend of your Computer Science oriented job? Why?

I am asking this because I am trying to discern which one I will prefer. I do not have very much knowledge or resources regarding which one will be more beneficial to what I would want to do. #computer-science #computer #japan #java #python #javascript

jesse’s Avatar
jesse Oct 11, 2019 499 views

What are some majors that fit me?

I like games, food, Pokemon, and i like science.#igintingpossiblilities